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Prepa Drone & EuroUSC-Benelux: An exclusive partnership to make it easier to pass drone piloting exams in Europe

In the competitive world of drone piloting exam preparation, Prepa Drone stands out by offering an innovative solution for preparing and passing the CATS theory exam online. This success is made possible by an exclusive partnership with EuroUSC-Benelux, an entity recognised by the Dutch authorities, guaranteeing a relevant offer that is perfectly in line with the issuing standards published by the EASA.

The importance of this exam for piloting UAVs in specific contexts in France and the European Union cannot be underestimated. Focusing on the requirements of specific category missions, particularly for STS01 and STS02 scenarios and C5 or C6 class UAVs, Prepa Drone is playing a crucial role in boosting the training sector in France, an initiative made possible by close collaboration with EuroUSC-Benelux.

Since its launch at the beginning of 2022, the platform has rapidly established itself as a benchmark in the field of online drone exam preparation, working with a very large number of French-speaking training centres. This recognition is the result of offering revision content at competitive rates, together with a solution for taking the CATS exam under optimum conditions, a significant competitive advantage on the French market.

The partnership with EuroUSC-Benelux adds an indispensable regulatory dimension and legitimacy to the whole package. Their contribution ensures that the CATS exam complies with European standards, enabling Prepa Drone to offer its partners a cost-effective, tailored and entirely online preparation and exam-taking solution.

The exam, which is entirely in French, benefits directly from the expertise of EuroUSC-Benelux, while ensuring that the content is focused on France, with themes, French theory maps and questions specifically designed for French telepilots. The CATS certificate, issued on successful completion of the exam, is issued by the RDW. The entire process is supervised by the Dutch aviation authority, the Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT), a testament to the quality and adaptability offered by our exclusive partner.

This collaboration between Prepa Drone and EuroUSC-Benelux is a perfect illustration of the alliance between local expertise and respect for international standards, offering a path to success for remote pilots wishing to operate in Europe.

More than just a certification, this partnership marks the start of a continuing evolution in drone training and regulatory standards, promising to extend our solution across much of Europe in the coming months.



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IBAN: BE54 0018 7868 6397


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